호주 최고 교육기관
UTS College

호주국립 UTS대학교 부설 교육기관인 UTS College를 소개합니다.

Peter Harris UTS College Managing Director

“A successful partnership with IEN Institute”

Since 2014, we’ve had the privilege of working closely with IEN Institute to create a high-quality experience for students in Korea. Together, we offer academic english, diploma courses in Information Technology and Business, designed in collaboration with UTS, giving students the chance to begin their academic journey at IEN in Seoul before transitioning to UTS in Australia. By upholding strong academic standards, fostering exceptional student experiences and a partnership built on commitment to helping students succeed, together we ensure students are well-prepared for university life and beyond.


IEN 갤러리

IEN Institute offers diplomas of Business and Information Technology on behalf of UTS College, CRICOS Provider Code: 00859D / TEQSA Provider Identification No: PRV12022, Provider Category: Institute of Higher Education. University of Technology Sydney (UTS) CRICOS Provider Code: 00099F / TEQSA Provider Identification No: PRV12060, Provider Category: Australian University. UTS College Limited is a controlled entity of UTS, and as an institute of higher education, UTS College Limited provides pathway courses to UTS.


2025년 신입생 입학 설명회 : 3/27(목), 4/5(토)