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아카데믹 영어 과정 수료로 공인영어시험(IELTS/TOEFL) 성적 제출을 면제받을 수 있습니다.


아카데믹 영어(Academic English)과정은 콘텐츠 및 커리큘럼의 우수성과 국제 공인영어시험간의 상호 연관성을 인정받아, 과정을 성공적으로 수료 시 유수의 호주 대학들에 별도의 공인영어성적 없이 바로 진학할 수 있습니다. 영어권 대학으로의 유학을 준비하는 학생이라면, 별도의 어학연수 필요 없이 출국 전 영어능력에 대한 준비를 마칠 수 있어 안정적인 해외 대학 진학의 꿈을 이룰 수 있습니다.

Academic English 를 IELTS/TOEFL 등 공인영어 성적 대신 인정하는 대학교 및 교육기관



Bond University

Curtin College

INTO Manchester

Curtin University

Deakin College

INTO London

Griffith University

Edith Cowan College

INTO University of Stirling

Macquarie University

Griffith College

INTO University of East Anglia

Murdoch University

La Trobe Melbourne

INTO University of Gloucestershire

University of Canberra

Eynesbury College

INTO Newcastle University

University of Newcastle

La Trobe University

Sydney Campus

INTO Glasgow Caledonian University

University of Wollongong

Newcastle International College (NIC)

INTO Queen's University Belfast

University of Sunshine Coast

University of Canberra College (UC College)

INTO City University London

Western Sydney University

Western Sydney University

International College (WSUIC)

Curtin College Singapore 

Australian Catholic University

Western Sydney University Sydney City Campus

Gannon University (USA)

Queensland University of Technology

Navitas English Darwin

(Charles Darwin University)

University of Canterbury International College (NZ)

Swinburne University of Technology

Murdoch Institute of Technology

 INTO Study Centre at Newcastle University

University of South Australia

JCU College (James Cook University)

INTO Newton A-level Program 

Charles Sturt University

International College of Hotel Management

London Brunel International College

RMIT University 


Hertfordshire International College

Victoria University

William Blue College of Hospitality Management

 International College of Portsmouth 

 University of Southern Queensland

Think Health Education Hertfordshire International College (UK)

Torrens University 

Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT) Shanghai University (SHU)

University of Tasmania 

Southern School of Natural Therapies International College of Portsmouth (UK)

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) 

South Australian Institute of Business and Technology (SAIBT) INTO Centre at City University London
Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School Australian National College of Beauty INTO Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)
CATC Design School Australian Graduate School of Leadership INTO London World Education Centre
Chiefley Business School
Billy Blue College of Design INTO Manchester in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University

APM College of Business and Communication

Australian College of Natural Therapies

INTO Manchester in partnership with the University of Manchester
Australia Graduate School of Leadership Jansen Newman Institute INTO Queens University Belfast
La Trobe Sydney Campus Western Sydney International College INTO University of East Anglea
Australian Institute of Higher Education    London Brunel International College - Brunel University London (UK)

※이외 기관은 IEN으로 별도 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다. 


2024/25년 신입생모집 설명회 : 10/24(목), 10/26(토)